Risk of attack against Jani Silva, community leader in Putumayo – Colombia

A source that wishes to remain anonymous has just informed us, in the last few hours, about a plan to attempt on the life of the leader Jani Silva.

The plan would be executed, according to the source, during her movements in the department of Putumayo, as a leader of the Amazon Pearl Peasant Reserve Zone.

For the last two months, armed structures have been prowling around the Peasant Reserve Zone territory and moving up and down the Putumayo river and surrounding areas. This has been happening amidst government military operations.

These irregular armed structures are present in the same area as the 27th Jungle Brigade and the Southern Navy Force.

Jani and three other Peasant Reserve Zone leaders have received multiple death threats over the last year and a half. Government entities in charge of investigating these threats have not offered an adequate response nor implemented preventive protection measures with a collective focus in the territory where these leaders work.

Bogotá DC – 26th of March 2020
Inter-church Justice and Peace Commission