The Urabá Police protect the interests of the businessmen who benefit from paramilitarism

The police commander in Belén de Bajirá expressed his categorical rejection and recrimination against the leader Enrique Petro for recovering his lands in the collective territory of La Larga, Pedequita y Mansilla, and Curvaradó.

The police commander expressed his rejection of the recovery of the lands fraudulently acquired by Francisco Castaño and Sor Teresa Castaño.

Francisco Castaño is one of the beneficiaries of the paramilitary operations that since 1996 have threatened, displaced, and tried to buy the lands belonging to the community councils.

The policeman stated “it was not necessary to create a problem for the businessmen, the cattle ranchers,” and added, “the Caño Manso community is fighting with los negritos.”

“Los negritos” to whom the police commander refers are all those who participate in the bad-faith occupations that since 1996 are part of the ASOPROBEBA association created by Sor Teresa Castaño, or who during the last four months are part of the business effort to occupy the territory.

The state agent repeated that he needed to meet with the leaders.
The lack of responsibility by the state continues to be evident in the absence of a coherent and effective civil power capable of acting according to the Rule of Law and above the military.

Bogotá, D.C., January 8, 2014

Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz
Interchurch Justice and Peace Commission