Petición a la ONU para que se imponga una moratoria en las fumigaciones en Colombia

La fumigación a aérea de cultivos de coca ha sido una política ineficaz, en términos de reducción de producción de coca y cocaína, y dañina a la flora y fauna de Colombia y toda la región andina.

Dado los efectos negativos que ha tenido, líderes y lideresas de ONGs colombianas e internacionales se han juntado para enviar una petición al Secretario General de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) Ban Ki-moon para exigir la terminación de la fumigación aérea, reconocimiento que dicha práctica está en plena violación del derecho internacional humanitario y la regulación de la industria agroquímica.

La petición se dirige a la ONU para solicitar su liderazgo y ayuda en mediar la terminación de fumigaciones en Colombia.

Súmate firmando la petición aquí.

Petition to the United Nations Calling for a Moratorium on Aerial Spraying in Colombia in Compliance with International Law and Conventions

Bogotá, December 4th 2012

His Excellency
Ban Ki-moon
Secretary-General of the United Nations
New York

REF.: Aerial spraying to eradicate crops used for illicit purposes in Colombia. In view of the Colombian government’s failure to comply with the International Conventions and Treaties subscribed and, considering the health hazards, IHL and Human Rights violations as well as the environmental risks resulting from the aerial spraying of defoliants and intensive and indiscriminate use of agroprecursors, we the undersigned citizens and Social, Peace, Environmental, Human Rights, Harm Reduction and Drug-Policy Reform Movements and Organizations here request that the United Nations mediate on our behalf in Colombia in order to ensure that:


1. The attention of the Santos Government be called to its obligation to declare an immediate moratorium on fumigation until the pertinent and autonomous humanitarian, epidemiological, environmental, social and economic studies addressing the impacts of aerial spraying itself are carried out and reveal their findings.

2. The highly-questionable aerial spraying eradication measure be removed from the 2012 Drug Bill to be debated by the Colombian Congress in March 2013 since this measure contravenes existing legislation.

3. The Santos government apply stricter controls to the production, importation and sale of agrochemical products since these are used as agroprecursors to expand and increase the productivity of drug crops.

