Invitation to the Second Marquetalia FARC to dialogue on humanitarian issues and peace.



June 27, 2020

#SomosGénesis #wearegenesis

We feel supported by UN Mission II

Second Marquetalia FARC,

A greeting in memory of our tortured, murdered, disappeared, displaced, unjustly prosecuted and persecuted parents, we write from that something we all have in common being sons and daughters, of the love of our father and mother, in this homeland called Colombia in some portion of this our mother earth. We remember our last murders with those we share in the betting network: Mario Castaño and Hernán Bedoya. Also, today we honor the more than 765 leaders killed. The list is extremely long and deeply painful for those of us who carry in the heart the decision of a democracy without violence, a democracy at peace with socio-environmental justice.

We greet your commanders, each and every member of your armed forces. We also write to you on behalf of the members of your forces who have been killed in the multiple violence of the past 70 years. We also know that the majority of its members are people who were born in rural or marginal urban areas so we think they will understand the meaning of our letter.

 We are aware that the pandemic has enabled them to consolidate their territorial power and social control. And no one is exempt from being infected. We are in the same human condition. In these more than 100 days of pandemic we recognize that your armed operations have affected our life plans and projects as you know, it is based on the dialogue that is born of the heart, which expresses feelings and ideas, in which we want to show that is possible a country that respects life, freedoms , the protection of the sources of life (water, forests, animals), a country of all, without exception of class, gender, ethnicity.

We understand that some of you are armed to change society; other armed groups for defending the order of this kind of democracy. Others are armed to fight as allies to their military enemies because they are related to some social projects. Others are in arms because those responsible for complying with what was agreed, failed, lied or deceived them. Others because there is no more form of employment or education, places where there are no schools and unpaid work. Others are there because they wanted to escape to families where affection is lacking. Others for the affections that generate past violence, for the desires of revenge, for the pains without healing, and others to protect or assure wealth to others that accumulate wealth. In short, our communities believe that you can all recognize and accept that you believe that your place on weapons are your place to affirm your feelings and your thinking. You are there with your own pains of soul, homeland and life. Our communities understand that condition.

We also accept our sorrows, the injustices we have committed and those they have committed against us, seeking inner, family, collective peace, resolving the contradictions in the dialogue and rectifying what breaks the balance.

If you understand that we have a life project, let it continue to exist without using its force against us. We are neither combatants nor want to be. We are lovers of life without weapons. Lovers of the right to justice without weapons. We are lovers of democracy without exclusion.

We reiterate to each of you and your commanders, that this time of pandemic is unique to rethink our lives, and the possibility that we build another country. Let us stop this unnecessary pain of violence and build the new. Let us meet the humanity, you children and perhaps parents, like us. Let us inherit a different present and future.

We invite them as a humanitarian measure to take decisions to prevent the spread of infection inside them by adopting all the basic elements of bio-protection. We ask you to refrain from entering our villages, places of habitation, where we live already grouped and where we have taken our measures of bio-protection to avoid being infected.

Today honoring his living parents and also those who are no longer here, we reiterate to contemplate a Global Humanitarian Agreement by COVID 19. based on the ethics of life and the right to peace provided for in article 22 of the National Constitution.

For your information we are sharing a letter in the same terms to all those who are in arms for two purposes of specific dialogues on:

1.Respect for our many and varied life projects.

2. dialogues with letters on integral solutions in the use of violence and its multiple manifestations.

We will be attentive to your responses to all our communications by
